Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty

The two panels and the stars are the February blocks for the sew along.  I'm kind of late with these....I had most of it finished by the end of the first week in of the month then spent the rest of my time thinking and procrastinating on the flying geese!  It's a case of I love the geese but they don't love me!  I always seem to have points cut off somewhere....I'd love to do one of those quilts that's all geese...but not yet.

There is no pattern given for this quilt.  Lori posts the month's project on her blog Humble Quilts then we all copy it or find patterns as best we can.  This has turned out to be quite fun.  I did try tracing the eagle from the computer screen but couldn't get the size quite right.  I do have a couple of tries that looked more like a bat but I'm happy with my final result.  The same with the angel...I finally got a wing that I was happy with.

Choosing the fabrics has been an adventure...most of my stash (which is mostly scraps now) are modern prints that I didn't really like with the primitive look of the quilt.  There is a little of every thing in this...a couple of strips from an old French General Christmas collection and men's shirts make up the majority.  The tan background of the angel is from a length of apparel fabric that I got as a mistake with an order years ago.  The pale yellow background for the house block is the wrong side of a very, very bright print and most everything else is from the scrap bags.

Here they are together, with some of the March done.  I still have all the little bits of March to do...there is a vine in the blank blue strip, lots of birds and lettering still to go. Now I need to sit down and do lots of embroidery on this!  This is all together in one piece but too long to fit in my camera's view.

Linking with Humble QuiltsOh Scrap, and Em's Scrapbag

1 comment:

  1. I thought about doing this QAL but wasn’t sure I would have the time. Yours is looking great. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
